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Sextortion Rates Drop in Australia, 100 Children per Month Still Targeted

Australian sextortion reports have slid for the first time since 2022. However, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) are still worried that too many victims are being blackmailed.
Sextortion is a type of blackmail where someone can threaten to share private and intimate images or videos unless demands are met.
The AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) received 560 reports of sextortion in the first six months of 2024.
This equates to an average of 93 reports per month in the first six months of 2024, down from 300 reports a month in the 2023 calendar year.
AFP Human Exploitation Commander Helen Schneider said police believed the fall in sextortion reports was due to multiple factors.
Schneider noted the AFP had worked closely with AUSTRAC, Australia’s financial crime monitoring organisation, and financial institutions to make Australia a hostile environment for organised criminals.
“Our intelligence indicates how effective we have been, with organised criminals regularly complaining to each other online about how difficult it is to extract money from young people in Australia,” she said.
Law enforcement has been actively working with the financial sector to close bank accounts in Australia linked to international organised crime syndicates involved in extortion.
“Although the reports have dropped, this is still an under-reported crime, and the sad reality is that we still receiving almost 100 reports of children in Australia being targeted by criminals every month,” Schneider said.
“That is why the AFP will continue to make Australia a hostile environment for those who seek to exploit our children during National Child Protection Week and every week.”
Signs a child could be a victim of sextortion include sudden sexualised questions in conversation, instantly receiving sexual images from a profile, and then being asked for the same in return.
Other signs include a random friend or follow requests from unknown individuals, receiving direct messages on an app and then being redirected to a different app, and fake profiles that say they promise to delete content.
“The fake profile might say that their webcam or microphone is not working for video calls/chats to confirm their identity,” the AFP said.
The AFP recommended victims of sextortion to end the conversation, take screenshots of the text and profile, block the account, get help from a trusted friend or family member, and seek professional support.
Further, they recommended reporting the crime to the ACCCE and advised against responding to any demands or entering any further communication.
“Members of the public who have information about people involved in online child sexual exploitation are urged to contact the ACCCE. If you know abuse is happening right now or a child is at risk, call police immediately on 000,” the AFP said.
Meanwhile, AUSTRAC Acting National Manager Law Enforcement and Industry Anthony Helmond said access to the internet and the ease of online financial transactions had put vulnerable groups worldwide within easy reach of criminals.
“By pooling our intelligence and capabilities, we’re able to identify and fight criminals who are targeting young Australians through sextortion,” he said.
AUSTRAC said their ability to follow money trails and work with industry had resulted in many account closures of those supporting offshore organised criminals seeking to extort Australians sexually.
“These groups target all ages and genders; however, a large proportion of cases have involved male victims aged 14-18,” the NCA said.
